OHAI relies on donations from individuals like you, organizations, and foundations to continue our vital climate action work in Tonga and the Pacific. We thank you for joining us to make a difference in Tonga and around the globe, our only home.

We humbly accept donations in any amount to support our projects.

SPONSOR A BEEHIVEOHAI Incorporated is engaged in a vital food security project. We are asking for your support.

Please help us acquire and maintain 120 hives for 1-3 years (one hive generally consists of 2 brood boxes, a queen extractor and a honey super). As the project expands, we will pursue opportunities to establish beehives on the outer islands in Tonga.

OHAI Incorporated offers the hives for Sponsorship on an annual basis.

Annual Sponsorship for one hive is US$500. Please consider sponsoring one or multiple hives.
This support allows us to:
– employ a local bee-keeper to maintain the hive
– train new bee-keepers (with a focus on youth and women)
– build a community bee-keeper association which will support Tongan people to establish their own hives for crop pollination or honey production.

To show our gratitude for sponsorship, the sponsor receives a photo of the hive with a name plaque; updates via newsletter; a gift made from wax; membership to a unique community,


  1. Kindly email us at to notify us of your name, donation amount, and contact details.
  2. Please direct deposit to the OHAI Incorporated account. Provide the following information to your bank:
    OHAI Incorporated Bank Details:
    Name: OHAI Incorporated
    Bank: ANZ Bank, Taufa’ahau Road, Nukualofa, Tonga
    Account no: 1958632
    Swift Code: ANZBTONN

TO SPONSOR OHAI PROGRAMS: To make a donation, please make a direct deposit to OHAI Incorporated.

OHAI Bank Account Details

Name: OHAI Incorporated
Bank: ANZ Bank, Taufa’ahau Road, Nukualofa, Tonga
Account no: 1958632
Swift Code: ANZBTONN

You are welcome to contact us for additional details:

Tonga is a small island developing state, and at present time we only accept donations via direct deposit. Donations via PayPal and credit card are currently not available in Tonga. We thank you for your understanding and support.

Watch the video above to learn about our climate change food security project in Tonga.